The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time travel and sex shockers says: FREE!FREE!FREE! MAKE MONEYN HERE! And the Sandman replies: Who's Moneyn?
~~> Thomas Shay - IM Organizer says: ~~> Get Spydered in 30 Minutes or Less And the Sandman replies: Ah, that ol'tarantula kink. Much more tickly than cacti.
Paul Klein says: “Is This Yours Sandman?” And the Sandman replies: Dunno - who's on the other end? says: How to Increase your Credibility You mean I've got some?
Paul Klein says: What Are You Doing Up? Dunno. Damn Cialis - takes forever to wear off.
Earl Netwal says: Sandman, don't buy my products... OK. Thanks for the heads-up.
Steve Harrison says: Why THEM and not YOU? Because I'm worth it.
Abe Tidwell says: I*f you can’t contro'l your+ emotio+ns you m-ay turn your w'hole life torture And if I can … a life of … er … what?
Tuti Lee says: Article marketing is dying... What should you do? Put it out of its misery.
=== Gary Vurnum === says: Is this really THAT simple? she asked... Yes, I answered. Shall we do it again? She nodded, and reached over once more.
Ruthie Childs says: She won't keep the eyes of your Submariner SS watch. The secret of success is not being rich - it's about looking rich. If she won't keep them, who the hell has she passed them on to? I've got a blind watch here, and it's not very happy.
Gary Ambrose says: finished! it's finally ready for you... Thank you. Has the varnish dried yet? Batteries connected up? Ice cream all over it? Let's give it a whirl!
Robert Puddy Forum Knowhow says: I'd beaten my head bloody for 3 long years It's so nice when you stop, isn't it?
Successful Business Blogging says: I'd beaten my head bloody for 3 long years You too? What's going on around here? says: Gain amazing erectile length without limpness! Become more confident knowing that you can reach any womans G-SPOT. If it is erect, it's hardly likely to be limp, is it? Now go away.
Robert Ringer says: Do something extraordinary ... I just did. And she's reaching for it again.
Your Self-Image Within says: YSIB WITHIN Sharing Yourself Is The Reward Oh, but I do *so* share myself - ask any of my Perfect Russian Wives.
Michael Green says: Sandman - is this the best skill you could ever learn? Learn? It just comes naturally!
ReawakeNews says: The Easiest Way to Achieve Happiness A Perfect Russian Wife and a bucket of Long Island Iced Tea. No sweat.
Go Big VIP Program says: Sandman What do you do when you are uncomfortable? Change position until I'm comfortable again. What do you do?
Jordan Hall says: The best thing I've seen offered in a LONG time. (I got it) It *was* fabulous, wasn't it? says: I earned $997 while having lunch at McDonalds on Sunday afternoon... Don'tcha just love no-win-no-fee lawyers? What *was* in your burger, anyway?
Rich German says: Are you ready to take a little trip down the rabbit hole? Well, I've never heard it called that before. But sure - why not?
Alberta Booth says: D+ream to be a *hero in her_ bed? I'm too busy in her bed to do much dreaming. Now go away.
Marilyn Bain says: Teena-gers ,are particularly. liab-le to sea,sonal depression,s due to t+heir sensiti-veness. Well, tough tit-ties, teenies. You should get out-side more.
Robert & Susan Irwin says: Seven Sex Shockers [With Comments] 1) Ouch! 2) Wow! 3) Not that - anything but … whoo-hoo! 4) Pass the mayonnaise. 5) In *there*?! 6) You can do *that* … with a *croissant*? 7) Let's do it again, but this time without the stuffed alligator, OK?
Mind Over Money says: 10 Ways to Raise Your Energy and Help Change the World There's seven of them just above. The other three? You'll just have to use your imagination, won't you!
Eric Rockefeller says: DO NOT OPEN THIS... OK. Next!
Club ReelVegas says: We have a solution towards your enjoyment needs There's seven of them just above.
AlkalizerH2O-Brad Hamilton says: AlkalizerH2O changes coming . . . Does it? How?
Jeremy Gislason - says: Metamorphosis Techniques for Sandman Easy: build cocoon. Stay there awhile. Emerge more beautiful. No worries.
ALBERT KBINA ESSIEN says: Esteemed Compliments, Thank you. Now go away.
James J Jones says: Mass Time Warp Confusion... Oh, no - we're back in the sixteenth century!
Lynn Pierce says: Sandman, have questions about doing what you're passionate about? I do. But if I told anyone what it was, it'd be the stocks for me. says: Free e-book of your choice!!!! And what, pray, is an e? Book, I can understand. But e? says: Sandman - this will help you... A musket. How thoughtful.
~ Jen & Darius - The New Wealth Teachers ~ says: I can't believe she said that...(WHOA)... She had to - her horse was starting to bolt.
Gary Simpson says: Sandman - Did you get your Download? Verily, what be a download?
Jennifer McLean says: Brian Vaszily TONIGHT on Healing With The Masters! Witchcraft! Witchcraft!
The Healing Codes says: EXCLUSIVE - You'll love this "freebie" But what, pray, is a … "freebie"?
Med Center says: ~~~Good day :Vicodi _ Percocet~~~ And good day to thee, Vicodi. says: Look Who's Laughing Now The Laughing Cavalier? Verily, 'tis true.
Isaac says: Hey Sandman, Just Thought You'd like to know.. … there's a country across the ocean where we can be free to work and worship as we please? And where we can bear arms and enjoy the pursuit of happiness? Why, thank thee, kind sir. And the name of this country? Australia? Coolth!
Roy Fielding says: Pick what you want Sandman.. I'll have a new tabard, one of those semi-automatic muskets and a hogshead of Long Island Iced Tea please.
Rick Macaulay says: This lad did alright for 1 days work Sandman... Look - the stable's nice and clean now. Oops. Well, it *was*.
Carol Costa says: [PayingWriterJobs] Writing for children Children? Writing for chldren? Forsooth - for why should they be written?
Russell Brunson says: free ticket - last call To Australia? Counteth me in!
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically. Guaranteed.  

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