The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The best month to make your new years resolutions

Doberman Dan says: Happy new year, Sandman! And the Sandman replies: Thank you - and to you, too
Shelby Carr says: Sandman, Why should you pay a copywriter to write your sales letters? And the Sandman replies: Because I write like shit. Next!
Kevin Wilke says: the "million dollar 90 minutes" And the Sandman replies: Now that's one classy - and very expensive - hooker
Money Tree says: Why it could be time to go back to University Coeds now realize the value of age and experience? And about time too. Sign me up.
Writelink says: Sandman, Oh No, Not Another New Year! And you were expecting what, today, precisely? says: Is lack of duplication killing your business? Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. Yes.
Paul Klein says: Are YOU Ready To OWN 2010? What - all of it?
Paul Klein says: Your Deadline Is Today Sandman… For mailing Christmas cards? Uh-oh.
Tom Pauley - says: What's your choice? I'll take … this one. No! The other one! No … Oh, I give up. I'll have'em all!
Robert Ringer says: It's almost over - don't miss out ... What, 2009? Someone's clock needs checking.
Steve G. Jones says: Raise Your Kundalini I've never heard it called that before.
Yaro Starak says: Did you make this mistake in 2009? Yes, And in '08... Damn, it was fun then, too. And in '07.
Amy Clark says: My new address Isn't one that's going into my address book, thanks,
Carolyn Hansen says: Sandman, Are You Making These 3 Workout Mistakes? Thinking about it? Doing it? Collapsing afterwards? Er, no says: 50,000 F*R*E*E* Guaranteed Visitors To The Website of Your Choice! Now, *where* am I gong to send them? says: A $75 China Stock to Hit $150: Buy Monday I bought Thursday last month. Can't afford more any weekdays for the time being. Sorry.
Buz McGuire says: Need Lasting Change in 2010? Here's How... Eat less? Exercise more? Nah.
Bill McRea says: It's Finally Open...Get In Now! I haven't heard that since I was much, much younger.
Miracle Mind says: A magic offering that will make 2010 all it can be and more! (Dont' miss!) Ah - I was expecting that.
Miracle Mind says: A surprise magic offering to make 2010 all it can be and more! (Dont' miss!) Oh - I wasn't expecting *that*.
Jim Katsoulis says: A New Year's resolution is something that... … is best made in July.
Steve G. Jones says: Sandman, My new iPhone app is ready! That's nice. Come back when I've got an iPhone.
[Easy Offline Riches] says: Only 21 hours left to become... SUPREME ! And then you go back to being plain ol' Diana Ross again.
Peter Roe, MindWaves says: Is 2010 the year things will change? <1238> Well. My underwear has already. But that's about it. says: Sandman, As An Internet Marketer You Need To Learn The Ropes And I would if I was a trainee hangman, too.
Dan Robey says: If You Don't "Take Charge" In 2010 Who Will? Obama, presumably.
Dr. Harlan Kilstein says: Half Price Sale Because of Rain Get your slightly leaky umbrellas here, folks
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