The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Too much caffeine

Mike Filsaime says: hey it's Mike. I made a video for you... And the Sandman replies: And Ludmilla's made one for you …
Mike Antoni says: This will blow the lid off!! And the Sandman replies: I'd better get out of the toilet now, then.
One-Minute Cure says: Download the Brains of 24 Amazing People in 12 Weeks And the Sandman replies: Erm, won't that be a bit messy? And won't those amazing people miss them? says: Sandman, Does ANYONE Know Like And Trust You? Apart from a large group of Perfect Russian Wives? I doubt it. And sometimes I wonder about some of them..
Ric Thompson says: Are You Buried Under Workday Overwhelm? No - I'm underwhelmed by everyday overwork.
Rachel Rofe says: Sandman, can you PLEASE give me your opinion? Yes. You shouldn't have put parsley in that tiramisu
Rachel Rofe says: Sandman, ack, I'm sorry!! (Ugh) Here's a mop and bucket. Go clean it up. And "ugh" is an understatement.
Lance Tamashiro says: holy smokes... Don't tell me - the Pope's advertisig cigarettes now …
Manifesting Secrets says: The Secrets of Eternal Youth Wearing replica Cartier jewelry?
Jayne Albert says: Order replica Cartier jewelry and receive it in 2 days. And then I'll be … forever young!!!
Janna Irving says: Cut your expenses for health care products Simple - stay healthy!
Henk and Nicholas says: Sandman, can you "rewire your brain"? Not without a few mirrors and some *very* specialized instruments says: My Wife Almost Left Me! If you'd pushed a little harder, she would have done completely. Better luck next time.
Profit Snapshots says: The big "work" lie You mean that Protestant Ethic has finally been exposed as bullshit?
Dov Baron says: Sandman, I'm going to keep this short... It's the cold weather, isn't it?
Mike Filsaime, Gary Ambrose, Tom Beal says: can I buy you a cup of coffee? Oh, I love free stuff.
Mike Steup says: Everyone loves free stuff, right Sandman? Right. I'll have a triple ristretto, eight sugars. So, what did you want to tell me?
Mike Filsaime says: why I'm leaving... OK. Good coffee, by the way. Thanks. Go on … says: How to Trade on a Non-Farm Payroll Day Er … barter?
Mike Filsaime says: why I'm leaving... Yeah I heard you the first time. Damn, this coffee's good!
Paul Klein says: What Are Your Customers Waiting For, Sandman? For me to come down off the ceiling. I should only have ordered a double.
James Sorelly says: Sandman, Sorry, You Can't Have This... I want it. Moremore moremoremore ristretto - NOW!
Dr. Harlan Kilstein says: From 300 to 3000 in Minutes Yup - that's my per-minute heartbeat rate right now.
Gary Ambrose says: can I buy you a cup of coffee? Yestripleristretto eightsugars areyouleavingtoo? OKleavethecoffeetherebye!
Dr. Joe Rubino says: Experts Tell the Truth About Dropping Excess Pounds & Detoxification Twotripleristrettos andsixtteensugars don'tdetoxbutI'msurelosingweight
Jimmy D. Brown says: I'm retiring something I haven't even released! (time-sensitive) Youkeepyourgrandmainjail?
Clayton Makepeace says: The Power of Why Asinwhycan'tIcomedown fromthis ceilingfan?Toomuchcaffeinthat'swhy!
David Riklan says: Sandman, do you want to be on national TV? Inthiscondition? Idon't thinkso.
Paul Klein says: What if You’re Working Harder Than You Need to Be?. . . OfcourseIamit'sthe caffeine!
Ben Settle says: Dr. Traffic's Big Profits Prescription Pad Quadrupleristretto,twelve sugarswhoneedstostay stillanyway?
Internet Marketing Center says: Sandman, do you believe in miracles? Idon'tbelieveinanything exceptthis ceilingfan
Craig Garber says: Do NOT read this unless you are already filthy rich I'mobscenelyrich - doesthatcount?
List Bandit says: can I buy you a cup of coffee? Anothertripleristretto wouldbefine. Makeitfoursugarsthis timethough.
Magic Money News says: [firstname]], Imprisoned by Toxic Energy? Nope-hangingfromaceiling faninstead. Where'sthatcoffee?
alex jeffreys says: go figure, - i paid $2,000 and you get it FREE ???? It'sgreatcoffee-butnot twograndgreat
Harris Fellman says: Lunch? WhenIgetdownfromhere,sure
Michael Cheney says: i hate myself Ifyou'rethebastardthat turnedontheceilngfan, youshoulddo.
Keith Wellman says: Will you be there? IfIletgoofthisthingI'll be*everywhere*
Nick Ortner - Tapping World Summit says: What if... Iletgo?I'dbounceoffalotofwalls
Henk and Nicholas says: Sandman, the greatest advice of all time? Don'tdrink somanyfuckingristrettos atonce!
eAuthorResources NewsLetter says: Sandman, you just missed a sale.. I'mmissingalotofstuffgoing roundandarounduphere
Henk and Nicholas says: Sandman, something simple to "set the wheels in motion"... ActuallyI'mlookingforsomeone toslowthisonedown
Kim Roach says: My Biggest Mistake! (Shocking Confession Inside...) Switchingontheceilngfan becausewhenIgetdownfromhereI'm gonnakillyou
The Messenger Network says: 3 Gifts for You goldfrankincenseand myrrh-howcoolisthat?
The Jackal says: Hey Sandman, what happened? Toomuchcaffeinieand someoneswitchedontheceilingfan. Turnitoff,willya?
Jordan Hall says: Finally - here's what you've been asking for (read now) Youswitchedthefanoff?Thankyou.Soit'sjust myheadspinninground thisfastnow?
Michael Senoff says: Daredevil . . . No.Accident.
Dan Robey says: What if you decided today to go for IT? I'dmissITcompletely-myhead's spinningtoomuch.
Matt Bacak says: INCREDIBLE. Yeahitmustlookrealywierd fromwhereyouare. says: You Are NOT like the Average Person Sandman Headspinningroundandround hangingfromaceilingfan?You cansaythatagain.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically. Guaranteed.  

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