The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Many, many thanks

Steve G. Jones says: Have you achieved ALL of your goals? And the Sandman replies: Yup. And more.
Affiliate X Factor - The Truth says: Sandman, Will you be in by Tuesday? And the Sandman replies: I don't know. What's today? Hold still, will you?
John Guanzon says: Uh... Look What I Did... And the Sandman replies: Wow! That high up the wall? Classy! says: Free Lunch Room No such place. Next! says: Sandman Is that the word? says: Sandman. Yup. Looks like it. says: Sandman OK, let's assume it is the word. And a great word it is, too.
Early To Rise says: ETR: We're Better That's good to hear. Were you sick long?
Philip J. Mutrie says: Get Your Free Turnkey Video Website I don't want to watch videos about turkeys. Oh. Sorry. Must get some new glasses.
Affiliate Classroom says: they made $173,063 selling 'Bird Cages'??... So? There's a lot of people out there wanting to keep their birds in one place. Stops'em crapping all over the carpet.
ipoints mail says: Sandman, Early Booking Discount at Club La Santa Oh, wow! Nightlife Mrs Claus style!
Tom Pauley - says: Only Five Left! Bang! Nope - only four left!
David Railey says: Have You Seen The Latest In Website Secrets? No, it's a secret!
Matt Clarkson says: The Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Of Champions Wheaties and champagne? I'll go for that!
Money Tree says: Is this really the 'ultimate' information product... Er, no. I don't think it's informed me. At all
Matt Bacak says: why? Why not?
David Canham says: Sandman, I have a FREE Download for you today! Open me... OK - just let me fetch my scalpel.
Chris Freville says: Got a minute Sandman? Nah. Forty seconds. From now. Quick - time's running out.
Katie Yeakle, AWAI says: Before you start your weekend ... … Why not get Friday over and done with first?
Lance Tamashiro says: Do You Use These 7 Boosters In Your Business? Nope - I'm still a bit nervous about those O-rings.
** Tellman ** says: oh, it's real You noticed!
[] says: fwd: thank you for thanking me.... Well, thank you for thanking me for thanking you for thanking me…
Kevin Wilke says: will I see you this month? Only if you look *very* carefully
Huey Lee says: Sandman, does it get any easier!?? No. If you can't cope with it now, you never will.
Ben Settle says: The Bible's Best-Kept Marketing Secret A star hovering overhead?
Ewen Chia says: [OPEN] You won't get a second chance... Who does? says: Best Things To Do in Hawaii! Oh, don't get me started! says: I Dont Want Anything From You Sandman And that's exactly what you're going to get from me.
Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. says: Blowtorch belly fat using this 1 'unusual' trick A blowtorch? Thanks, but I think I'll stay as I am. says: Ejaculation trainer - The No.1 Solution to Premature Ejaculation! Practice, practice, practice …
Eliska Halkova says: Sandman, Do You Want to Work from Home? How Long is Your Commute? That's a very personal questions, Eliska …
Leo J Quinn Jr says: This happens 10 times a week... For you, perhaps.
Mike G says: Sandman, the BEST thing I did in 2009 Wasn't as good as the best thing *I* did that year.
Roger Haeske says: What NATURAL force is soley responsible for the degradation of humanity? The government? No - that's an un-natural force, isn't it?
Paul Klein says: Does this float or sink Sandman? Dunno - does it have "Titanic" written on it anywhere?
Dave Guindon says: Did you get your early bird invite? ... Yes, but I'm not into worms.
  The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically. Guaranteed.  

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