The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Help wanted for the Job from Hell and Bible lessons says: A System That Works? And the Sandman replies: No - absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just look around you. And read between the lines.
Tom Josefiak says: Update for Bush-Cheney 2004, Inc. Email Subscribers And the Sandman replies: I think you're a little late there, Tom.
BNET says: Top 10 Reasons Why New Sales Reps Fail And the Sandman replies: They find Hell a little intimidating? That’s why I sent a demon down there with him.
Huey Lee says: Hi Sandman, it's okay to screw up! Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses.
Janet Beckers says: Oh drat. Has this ever happened to you? What? You're enjoying some Perfect Russian Angels, a bunch of Pixiedust, several buckets of Long Island Iced Tea and a few snortable frogs … and your sales rep calls you to say his elevator to hell's stuck between floors and the demon in there with him needs the toilet real bad? As a matter of fact, yes. But only once.
Frank Kern says: Good news ...very good news. The ACME Elevator Repair unit's done its job? Excellent.
Ric Thompson [SBCEO] says: Why did you go into business for yourself? I didn't. I sent a sales rep and a demon down to hell to go into business for me.
Blake Ekberg says: Solid every time you jump to bed! Bed? I'm flying with *angels* here!
Dr. Robert Anthony says: Sandman Are you struggling? Great resource for you (free)... Not really struggling, thanks, but I do believe the snortable frogs are wearing off.
Neil Asher says: Very Different.... Weren't they?
Cheap V1agra Super Active Plus on says: dimet ric absen tly overc allin g resou rcefu l arbit ratin g Man! You've tried those frogs too?
Alex Sysoef says: I will see you tonight, Sandman? I don't know. After today's high-flying excitement I might just go home and have a little nap. says: Sandman, Please don't delete me! OK. I'll exterminate you instead. Wait till I get back down again.
Dr. Harlan Kilstein says: Are You Already Hypnotized? No, it's the Pixiedust and Iced Tea. And maybe a little frog, too.
Profit Snapshots says: Are You In Florida? No. I'm somewhere slightly higher than ground level. With Perfect Russian Angels, Iced Tea and Pixiedust. Does that *sound* like Florida? It does? Oh, OK - maybe I am, then.
Clayton Makepeace says: Say No to Crack! Say YES to Pixiedust! And Iced Tea!
Adam Spiel says: You missed out (sorry) Oh, it was *you* finished the frogs, was it? Kind of you to apologize.
**J Bode** says: what can I do to help people get what they want? Find out what they want first. Always helps.
Ben Settle says: The Bible's Secret Email Lesson Another email from Moses again - something about a route through the Red Sea. I'll pass that one on to a Perfect Russian Angel.
Keith Wellman says: I want to play too... Oh, Keith, it's *much* too late. Unless, of course, you're bringing some frogs.
List Bandit says: [LB] There has never been a better time. No, you're right - it's been a fabulous afternoon.
Matt Bacak says: SHATTERED Well, yes, I'm going to be by the time I get home, but it'll have been worth it.
Arron Allison says: Re: Hundreds of male caplets Are they baby snortable frogs? Line us up a few, then.
[TSM] The Subliminal Messenger says: a free sample for you... SSSNNNNNNOOORRRRTTTT! Mm, mm … good.
Marketing Help Center says: Sandman... check's in the mail Yeah, right. And guess what I'm not going to do in your mouth. says: A Great Way to Get Started Roll up a twenty, line up some little frogs … or should we start with some Pixiedust first? Or even some Iced Tea?
ED Pills from Pfizer says: Special offer for Sandman, 80% better price You mean those weren't frogs? Then what the hell *were* they?
=== Gary Vurnum === says: Life's one big confidence trick... Too right - I though those were snortable frogs. Too much Pixiedust, obviously.
Jim Morris says: were you left out? No, I got my fair share. Sneezed a couple back out, though.
Dan Robey says: One Person Can Change Your Life... Yup - the FrogMan can.
Warren Whitlock says: I appreciate hearing what you have to say More frogs! More Iced Tea! More Pixiedust! More Perfect Russian Angels!
Mike Litman says: Why Most People Never Soar They tend to plummet. It's an aerodynamics thing.
Stephen Beck says: Whatcha doing this weekend? Recovering. It's been a fabulous Friday.
Glen Hopkins says: I'm Hiring. Help Wanted Too late - I've sent the salesman and the demon down to SoftwareInHell. There's a redheaded hippy needs a job somewhere round here, though, if you're interested. says: Breakfast With God, Part 2 That'd be the bagels and lox? I'll be right there.
Sizzling Motivation - Dr Jill says: A Way to Be Your Best A good breakfast usually helps, I find.
Bill Harris says: Are we really Spiritual Beings having a physical experience, or... No, I'm a physical being having a physical experience with some Perfect Russian Spiritual Beings (my wives will probably kill me for this). Is breakfast ready yet?
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