The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The bear market ... in a wood where the bears can shit

Alisa says: Find a perfect Russian wife. And the Sandman replies: I've found several already thanks. They just keep turning up at my front door.
Candace Novak says: Attention from beautiful women is guaranteed to you. And the Sandman replies: And my reciprocationalism is *totally* guaranteed for them.
Fidel Lusk says: Doctorate degree can be yours. And the Sandman replies: Got one. Want fries with that?
Hey - that's *our* email address! : Invitation: 06 June Er, sorry - missed that one. Blame the postal system.
Hey - that's *our* email address!: A life changing experience Try Acai Berry. Why - is it hallucinogenic?
Lincoln Browning says: Attention from beautiful women is guaranteed to you. And I am guaranteed to give *them* my fullest attention, too. says: Bear Marketing System Hey - Psst! Over here! Wanna buy a bear? No, I didn't think so. says: Sandman, How Are You Building Your List? Spit'n'duck tape, m'man. Spit'n'duck tape.
Melva Bernard says: Heat in your pants And pants in your hat. Now go away.
Tami Couch says: Doctorate degree can be yours. I've got several already, thanks. Now will you please pay for this pizza, already? I've got a lot more deliveries to make.
Tiffany Gibbs says: Attack slits more! Riiight …
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