The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Work related stress and depression - the cure?

**Tom TargetPro Blaster** says: Zero Friction is live... Go... Go... Go... (my huge $6,737 bonus inside) And the Sandman replies: But friction can be fun. Me, I'm staying right here with one of my perfect Russian wives and enjoying some.
Christopher Raine says: This May Not Be For You....Sandman And the Sandman replies: OK. Lemme know when you've got something that is.
Coach Katherin says: FR*EE 25 Minute Online Dating Coaching And the Sandman replies: Tell lies. Upload picture of someone else. Agree to meet (in public). Both parties go home disappointed because they didn't recognize the other. Simple.
Dale Woodland says: Sandman - 50 copies are available, look That's nice. But why would I want more than one?
David Van Arrick says: Sandman The Shocking Truth About Penis Enlargement! Don't tell me - it's got something to do with mains electricity, hasn't it? Good job I don't need it, then.
Eldon Nutybupe says: Funny enough to be seen And visible enough to be funny. Now go away.
Feel_Better says: RE: Sample Leaked all over your parcel? Sorry. (Maybe I *should* have put the lid on tighter.)
Free_Trial says: Re: Try the Oprah Diet Why - what does she taste like?
FreebieGB says: Sandman, Get Paid for Surveys and Your Opinions! That's nice. Normally everyone's entitled to my opinion free of charge.
List Bandit says: [LB] ===> YOU MAKE A VIDEO SITE? HA..HA..<=== YOU THINK THIS A VIDEO SITE? HA. HA. HA. Now go away. says: Looks As If The Truth Is Out Yup. Doesn't matter - nobody's going to understand it, let alone believe it. says: Sandman Have You Suffered A Recent Break-Up or Divorce? Several. Some of those perfect Russian wives weren't as perfect as advertised. Never mind - there's plenty more where they came from.. says: Sandman, Did You Get Your FREE Diet Sample? Check my waistline. What do you think? says: This time its WOW or never I'll take WOW, then, please. says: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ No, no need to be evasive - what's your email *really* about? says: I haven't been this excited since the invention of fire! Oh, man - you should've been around for the dinosaurs - now *that* was excitement! says: If You Work for a Living___Why are you KILLING Yourself doing it? Poisoned water. Toxic atmosphere. Work-related stress and depression. You know - the usual. says: What Motivates You? Love. Money. Amusement value. Revenge. Hunger. Thirst. All sorts of things, really. What about you? says: ==> Sandman - Free Leads, Free Stuff, Set YOUR Business On Fire! <== Free matches? You didn't say anything about free matches!
Lorena Jackson says: Best medicine for unstoppable energy in bed. Nah - I like a little doze in between bouts. But thanks anyway.
Mr.Williams Coleman says: From Mr.Coleman Not Mr Williams Coleman. THE Mr Williams Coleman? Tell him I'm out.
P. V. Kelly says: Can you answer these Nine Essential Questions for writers? Can I? Yes. Will I? No.
Rachel Rofe says: Sandman, what a weekend it's been! Must've been good, Rachel - it's Tuesday today!
RevolutionScape says: Sandman, let me introduce you to someone VERY special... I have a mirror already, but thanks anyway.
Sister Gloria Caldwell says: Greetings My Beloved Oh, man - a nun with the hots for me! (And who could blame her?)
Workthing+ says: Have you been Googled lately? Yes. It's not been pleasant sitting down recently.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

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