The Sandman says: When - like me - you're stuck in a beach hut with only a few Russian (e)mail-order brides for company, you tend to look forward to your daily emails. But for far too many of their subject lines there can only be one response. These are they.

Friday, July 31, 2009

How to fly a light aircraft

* Anonymous Adams & Justin Blake * says: ... Your $1,997 course - Paid for. And the Sandman replies: Cool! It's taught me how to fly a light aircraft! Thanks!
Affiliate X Factor - The Truth says: Sandman, my life is changing as I write this And the Sandman replies: Isn't everybody's - all the time?
Crystal Bartlett - One-Minute Cure says: How to be Immune to the Swine Flu Onslaught in September - A Special Report And the Sandman replies: First off, stay at home. Get your groceries delivered. Or at least left on your doorstep - you can't be too careful these days. Or in September.
Hanna Jameson says: life is unfair (agree or disagree?) Agree. Next!
Irina says: Russian dating site Da. Bring'em onski.
Jamie Jensen says: Your tiny dimensions make you feel an incomplete man? It's not my fault I'm only 2' 1" high. But I make up for it in lots of other ways.
JD Fuentes says: Magnetic Grid DVD + 'Techniques of Pleasure Gurus' BONUS! Ah, techniques of pleasure. Love'em! says: [admin] URGENT Sandman - $1997 course FREE - limited offer Got one. I can fly a light aircraft now. Isn't that great? says: IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR MOBILE PHONE USERS It's cheaper by landline? says: .Learn power your home indefinatly. Run your mains electricity from the house next door.
Lourdes Elardo-Gant says: 99% of Job Seekers NEED to do this, Sandman Find a job? Riiight.
Mind Movies Team says: The toughest thing you'll do... Get out of bed tomorrow afternoon. Curse all these perfect Russian wives!
Money Tree says: Change your life in one hour! I did. It took 15 minutes. Call me Charlotte, now. And pass me those painkillers.
NetPicks Trading says: there's nothing crude about oil... That's what you think. It needs to be processed before it becomes useful. And before it's processed, it's referred to as "crude". Now please get out of my inbox. says: I Was Wrong And You Will Be Too OK. So I won't do what you did. Am I right now?
Shawn & Tellman says: $1,977.00 for nothin' No, it was for a light aircraft piloting course.
Stan Craigie says: Sandman, Ever been spoilt for choice? Yes - ask any of my perfect Russian wives. Most of them are down the beach right now.
Successful Self Employment says: [SSE] If Money Were A Person It would be green and wear the face of a dead president.
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life Oh, yes. Play it.
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life Oh, yes, yes. Play it - play it!
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life Oh, yes, yes, yes. Play that harp, boy - play it, play it!
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life Oh - harmonious?
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life I'm so sorry …
The new formula-now is more effective says: Re:Absolutely harmonious intimate life … I thought you said harmonica.
Todd says: LAST FEW=> $1997.00 eCourse is PAID FOR I know. I'm licensed to fly small airplanes now. Solo.
Todd says: Your $1997.00 eCourse is PAID FOR Sandman.. Excellent. Thanks again! Look - I can loop the loop!
Todd says: [OPEN NOW] Just 4 Hours Remain - $60 *Instant* Discount Oh, poo. It's a $1937.00 eCourse, then. That means I haven't learnt the final lesson: how to land this thing. Help!
Tupelo and Janey says: Two FREE Inspiring Books Is one of them "How to land Light Aircraft"? Where do I download it - quick!
Tupelo and Janey says: F.R.E.E for YOU - it cost me $2,000.00! Oh, great - the final instalment of "Your Light Aircraft Flying Course". Excellent - I know how to land, now! Thank you!
Your Self-Image Within says: Your Self Image is Aloneness Yup - you're never more alone than on your first solo flight.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chocolate, red wine and a Rolls Royce in the pool

**Tom TargetPro Blaster** says: Sandman, is your site ugly like this one? And the Sandman replies: Dunno - have a look around here and tell me what you think.
_Canadian Pharm._ says: SIZE MATTERS! Ask your Female Friend... And the Sandman replies: Yes, a HUGE one might not fit in your pants … but the bigger the wallet, the better - right?
~Acai-Berry~ ~Organic~ says: Thanks for trying the Oprah Diet! Enjoy your Sample And the Sandman replies: You're more than welcome. Which part of Oprah am I eating, exactly?
© VIAGRA ® Official Site says: Dear Sandman 70% 0FF on Pfizer ! That's a better discount than yesterday.
Adela Burks says: loose weight Amazing antioxidant power of Acai Berry Isn't that Halle's brother?
Alert says: Bank Of America : Update Your Online Banking Information. OK. Here's some online info for you: I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH YOU. Now go away.
Aurelio Fountain says: Every man wishes he could have just a few extra inches downthere. Yup - if only my legs were a little bit longer I wouldn't keep tripping over everybody's favourite organ. says: Sandman, Change your story, change your life Yeah, but the scars would still tell the same tale.
Belief Equals Possibility says: Change your story, change your life I'll refer the court to my earlier comment about the scars.
Computer Weekly says: Improve the value of brand "You". Could that be possible? How can one improve on perfection?
David Van Arrick says: Sandman Your Worst SEXUAL NightMare! Oh, you do *not* want to know. You really do not. But if you must, check the Washington Post, July 18th 1958. That's all I'm going to say.
Hanna Jameson says: a very important message from Phil Then why's this email from Hanna?
Hanna Jameson says: a very important message from Phil And this one?
Irina says: Russian dating site Splendid - another batch of Perfect Russian Wives. Send'em round!
-Legit_WeightLoss- says: Tired of taking all of those non-organic products? No, I'm fine with them. Organic tends to be grown … er … organically.
Letscher says: dissonantly No, I said organically. Listen, will you? says: 1 Capsule of NuRev Contains The Amount of Resveratrol Found In 1,000 Bottles of Red Wine I'll take the equivalent in wine, then. Thanks. says: Are YOU earning what Your worth? No - there's not enough money in the world. says: Eat Chocolate Instead Of Spinach! That's going to make for an interesting Eggs Florentine, then, says: Hi there! Can you believe this.... No. Next! says: I found a Talking Toad who knew the secret to 50+ leads a day... But then again …Next! says: ONLY for the next 100 who open this... Curses! Foiled again! Yours sincerely, Opener #101. says: Sandman, Here's something that I just know is going to help... Oh, excellent! And such a big jar of it, too! says: Your FREE Lifetime Upgrade offer, Sandman Hey - it's the incarnation I've always wanted! OK, where do I sign?
Mind Movies Team says: It's not your fault... I know. Society is to blame.
Ric Thompson [SBCEO] says: Do you remember... Not a lot. Apart from driving that Rolls-Royce into the swimming pool. Helluva party, wasn't it? says: Russia Rising Nooooo! Not the Evil Empire! (Oh,wait up - we're all friends now, aren't we? Well, I know the Wives are, at least.)
Ryan Clark says: Warning: this might offend some people Only *some*? You're not trying hard enough!
Steve Dailey says: I will wait your letter to me You do that.
Tellman=Listbuilding says: ever wondered how they do it? No, I know perfectly well - I've got the manual.
Yaro Starak says: Make sure you try this... No way - last time I was in traction for *weeks* afterwards.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flight from LA to Sydney - one inch at a time

~ LWL Worldwide ~ says: ( LWL ) -- If Today Was Your Last Day And the Sandman replies: It'd mean They'd found me. But They're never going to take me alive.
=== Gary Vurnum === says: Is this how to guarantee a 'job for life' in a recession? And the Sandman replies: Only if you're pushing a button-making button in a button-making factory. says: Sandman, The toughest thing you'll do... And the Sandman replies: Get up tomorrow afternoon? If They found me today? Yup, that'd be it.
Daniel Gonzalez says: Sandman what did you do the last time you missed something important? I got on with my life. Why?
Disc Mojo-Paul Ponna says: this is so good - it should be illegal! You mean it's not? Then why are all those police cars parked outside my beach hut?
Gertrude Sparger says: You delete - you die You resend, you get disembowelled. Now go away.
Hey - that's *our* email address! Be the slit-attacker! Riiight …
Hey - that's *our* email address! Become her night entertainer Riiight …
John Melanson says: Know Your Product! Oh, I do. I polish it morning, noon and night.
Kathe and Denise says: NEW Web Tool Has Tongues Wagging... It's the ACME Web-Based Tongue-Wagger! Excellent!
Kathe and The Gang says: Sandman, NEWEST Web Tool Has Tongues (and Tails) Wagging... It's the ACME Web-Based Tongue-And-Tail-Wagger! More excellent! says: Sandman Let me help you use this tool now... OK - I've hooked this end up to my tongue. Now, you hook that end up to my tail …
Lawrence Bernstein says: Sandman, Stop Hounding Me... Oh, very funny … says: Is Your Nest Egg - CRACKED? No - it's hatching. says: No Matrixes to fill - No Powerlines! It's all YOU, Baby! That's right - it's all ME! What more could anyone want? says: Sandman I Hope This Helps! Oh, it does. A little too much wallpaper paste on the pastrami for my liking, but definitely very helpful. Thank you. says: Sandman, Have You Heard This Yet? Yes. Go away. says: Sandman, It can be that easy...OWN A $100 MAGNET! I've got two $50 ones out in the workshop. I'm quite happy with those, thanks. says: Sandman, This is the Beginning of Something HUGE! And that purple bit waaay over there must be the end of it. says: Sandman,Why aren’t you using it? Oh, but I am. says: The story of the Fascinating. Next! says: Top Affiliate Programs Mildly interesting. Next! says: Twitter Followers Utterly boring. Next!
Michael *TOP* Gunn says: Are You Joining Us? Nah. It's been a long day and I'd rather rest my eyelids a bit.
Mind Movies Team says: Conflict is a good thing?? [must see video] Unarmed? Not so hot. Nuclear? A definite no-no. Next!
Money Tree says: Phew, we nearly missed out on this... You nearly did, didn't you? Now put this bucket behind that elephant on the far left …
Roy Fielding says: Excuse Me Sandman, But Do You Know What Brings In Billions Every Year? Flies? Yes - uncleaned elephant cage floors. Why?
SEO Admin says: We may have met in person Unlikely … oh - wait. Was that you skiing naked down that black run at Aspen a couple of years back? No, couldn't have been. That was me. Dunno. Gimme a clue.
Stephany Napier says: Get More Self Confidence by losing weight Me, I lost more weight by gaining self-confidence. And doing bizarre and probably illegal things with Acai berries.
Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. says: DID YOU GET THIS? No. Now stop shouting.
Tamra Poole says: Every extra inch gives her extra chance for reaching final destination. Helpful if she's flying from LA to Sydney, one inch at a time.
Todd says: Oh My God - YOU'RE TOO LATE ?! Yeah - we've been expecting you pretty well any day now for the past 2000 years. What've you got to say for yourself?
Vasiliki Jpapukqz says: We gather at 9 today AM or PM? Washington time or Moscow time? And where, precisely?
VIAGRA ® Official Site says: Dear Sandman 58% 0FF on PFIZER ! Nah - you were offering 80% off last week. Go away.
Your Self-Image Within says: Your Self Image Needs Nourishment And my earthly body needs Acai berries.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Work related stress and depression - the cure?

**Tom TargetPro Blaster** says: Zero Friction is live... Go... Go... Go... (my huge $6,737 bonus inside) And the Sandman replies: But friction can be fun. Me, I'm staying right here with one of my perfect Russian wives and enjoying some.
Christopher Raine says: This May Not Be For You....Sandman And the Sandman replies: OK. Lemme know when you've got something that is.
Coach Katherin says: FR*EE 25 Minute Online Dating Coaching And the Sandman replies: Tell lies. Upload picture of someone else. Agree to meet (in public). Both parties go home disappointed because they didn't recognize the other. Simple.
Dale Woodland says: Sandman - 50 copies are available, look That's nice. But why would I want more than one?
David Van Arrick says: Sandman The Shocking Truth About Penis Enlargement! Don't tell me - it's got something to do with mains electricity, hasn't it? Good job I don't need it, then.
Eldon Nutybupe says: Funny enough to be seen And visible enough to be funny. Now go away.
Feel_Better says: RE: Sample Leaked all over your parcel? Sorry. (Maybe I *should* have put the lid on tighter.)
Free_Trial says: Re: Try the Oprah Diet Why - what does she taste like?
FreebieGB says: Sandman, Get Paid for Surveys and Your Opinions! That's nice. Normally everyone's entitled to my opinion free of charge.
List Bandit says: [LB] ===> YOU MAKE A VIDEO SITE? HA..HA..<=== YOU THINK THIS A VIDEO SITE? HA. HA. HA. Now go away. says: Looks As If The Truth Is Out Yup. Doesn't matter - nobody's going to understand it, let alone believe it. says: Sandman Have You Suffered A Recent Break-Up or Divorce? Several. Some of those perfect Russian wives weren't as perfect as advertised. Never mind - there's plenty more where they came from.. says: Sandman, Did You Get Your FREE Diet Sample? Check my waistline. What do you think? says: This time its WOW or never I'll take WOW, then, please. says: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ No, no need to be evasive - what's your email *really* about? says: I haven't been this excited since the invention of fire! Oh, man - you should've been around for the dinosaurs - now *that* was excitement! says: If You Work for a Living___Why are you KILLING Yourself doing it? Poisoned water. Toxic atmosphere. Work-related stress and depression. You know - the usual. says: What Motivates You? Love. Money. Amusement value. Revenge. Hunger. Thirst. All sorts of things, really. What about you? says: ==> Sandman - Free Leads, Free Stuff, Set YOUR Business On Fire! <== Free matches? You didn't say anything about free matches!
Lorena Jackson says: Best medicine for unstoppable energy in bed. Nah - I like a little doze in between bouts. But thanks anyway.
Mr.Williams Coleman says: From Mr.Coleman Not Mr Williams Coleman. THE Mr Williams Coleman? Tell him I'm out.
P. V. Kelly says: Can you answer these Nine Essential Questions for writers? Can I? Yes. Will I? No.
Rachel Rofe says: Sandman, what a weekend it's been! Must've been good, Rachel - it's Tuesday today!
RevolutionScape says: Sandman, let me introduce you to someone VERY special... I have a mirror already, but thanks anyway.
Sister Gloria Caldwell says: Greetings My Beloved Oh, man - a nun with the hots for me! (And who could blame her?)
Workthing+ says: Have you been Googled lately? Yes. It's not been pleasant sitting down recently.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to save money

{Charles Kirkland} says: I spilled the beans! And the Sandman replies: Better mop'em up before someone slips and sues you. Lawsuits can be expensive. And inevitable round here.
Carlene Mcdermott says: We got acquainted with you And the Sandman replies: Did you? I didn't feel anything.
Daniel Gonzalez says: Sandman are you being robbed by search engines? And the Sandman replies: No. It's mainly banks and bankers
David C. Gikandi (RevolutionScape) says: It's not your fault I know. I've been telling everyone that for years, now.
David Snyder says: Sandman Here's How To Make Your Woman BEG For S'EX Define "beg". I tend to give in when it gets to "Oh, Sandman …" anyway.
Dean James says: Are you relying on one income stream Sandman? No - I don't rely on *any* of them.
Denese Helbling says: Go see it now OK. I'm back. I wasn't impressed.
Glenna Felton says: I shall write to you I can hardly wait.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! Is it from Glenna?
Hey - that's *our* email address! Fast and effective , Try Acai Berry. She said she'd write to me.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! Look - there's something else in the envelope!
Hey - that's *our* email address! RE: MedHelp id 333335 Cut price Valium. By the handful! Excellent!
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! That's nice.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! That's verry niiiccce.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! Zzzzzzz.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have received an Greeting eCard Zzzzzzz. ZZZzzzzzz.
Jo Lawrence from Bananalotto says: Sandman, grab a philips blender today! But make sure it's switched off first.
Keyword PDQ Support says: Up your profit And up yours. says: Oops ... I am not sure if I should show this .... Incredible Seen bigger. With better tattoos. I don't think you should show it. says: Sandman, Don't Make This Mistake OK. I'll leave out the cactus and the glue gun next time. Thanks for the heads up. says: Sandman30 Millions Double Op-In Subscribers Are Waiting To See Your Opportunity! I've never heard it called *that* before, but I suppose … when you think about it … that's exactly what it is. says: Are you tired of all the BS and Hype yet? Whaddya mean, *yet*? says: Who Else Wants To SAVE up to 75% on LUXURY Vacations? Go for very short ones - like a quarter of the time you usually take off? says: Sandman, They will never buy from you if... … You don't sell anything. says: Max makes things happen Way to go, Max. says: come bloom with the spring flowers and change your way of living Riiight … says: FEEL THE BUZZ! Oh, I did, I did. It was a Philips blender. But that was a lllooooonnnnggg time ago and I've learned my lesson. says: PASSERO TURN OF THE EAGLE (TABS - 2) Riiight …
Neil Asher says: How to Save Money On Shopping Bills Don't buy so much. Next!
Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. says: I really wish I could, but I can't... OK, just relax. Take a deep breath. The more of a fuss you make about it, the more difficult it becomes. Deep breath, now …
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Free weight loss offers

~Get_Thinner For-The-Summer~ says: Good Luck with your sample! And the Sandman replies: Thank you - I've been trying to squeeze it out for quite a while, now. says: NEW, Sandman! It's FREE, fun, and easy to leave "I remember you" messages to people from your past And the Sandman replies: Best if I didn't. You don't know why or how I remember them,
Daniel Gonzalez says: Sandman, this is what everybody ought to know And the Sandman replies: We are all one, there is no such thing as death and Burger King are doing a 99c promotional special next week? OK.
Heather Picken - says: Sandman Fear and the Law of Attraction and How to Place Your Order with The Universe Drive up to that grille in the wall and speak slowly and clearly into it.
Hey - that's *our* email address! says: You have new message! I have?
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! From me?
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! What's it say?
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! Wow … I never knew that.
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! Must get my Alzheimers seen to.
Jaince Wallace Organisation says: Contact the Diplomat Deliveryman Now But there are very few diplomats I want delivered here right now.
Joni Smith says: Free plugnplay site and Brand Spanking New Detox Diet Guide w/MRR Yeah, spanking does increase the blood circulation - in both parties.
Karl Murray says: I want to find my man Probably over there, under the broccoli, with a couple of Perfect Russian wives. Here's a bucket of cold water to throw over them.
Lamar Owens Serving You Visitors says: Sandman How To Get Real Eyeballs On Your Site Yuk. Messy.
Lauryn Marybelle says: Need Cheap Drugs Fast? Save $10-$30 on All Drugs. We Guarantee, LowestPrice. Hurry, Order Online! sfc fkg Saving 30 bucks on drugs doesn't make them cheap. Not the ones I'd buy, anyway.
List Bandit says: [LB] We WILL get You!!! I'm heavily armed. I have unlimited ammo. You really wanna try? says: Sandman, You just have to see this to believe it! I've seen bigger. With better tattoos. Look, it doesn't even reach the floor. says: Beat This and I Will Join You Join this and I will beat you. says: Thank you, Sandman and here is your invitation to the mlm career plan Thank you. Is dinner included? says: Smarter NOT Harder Most of my Perfect Russian Wives prefer harder. says: Baby Gift Baskets Cool! How many babies to the basket? And is there sauce? says: Work! Just Work and Earn. Yup - that's what they all said when we were growing up. How wrong can a generation be? says: Lifetime Revenue For us? Or the government. My money (sadly) is on the latter. says: Hi Sandman I know you get bombarded by all kind of ads, but this one is different! Isn't it? I haven't seen a full body tattoo like yours for weeks. says: Melaleuca Isn't that an insult in Greek? No, that's Malakas. Sorry. says: Hey Sandman, Here are 2 Options for You ! My glass is half full. My glass is also half empty. Tha's why I drink my Long Isalnd Iced Tea out of buckets.
Lonnie Vera says: Get acquainted with you I am acquainted with me. In fact, I know myself quite well.
Mike Geary says: surprising source of omega-3 healthy fats Concrete? My - that *is* surprising.
New Egg says: You have 1 new Alert Message OK, I'm alerted. Now what? And what happened to the Old Egg?
Organic_WeightLoss says: 100 Percent Free! Why are all these weightloss offers always free?
Ramiro Patterson says: Look slim and hot thanks to Acai Elite. Oh. Maybe not.
Rare Offer says: ~100% Free Weight-Loss Promotional Offer!~ Oh. Maybe they are.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day Off!    

Friday, July 24, 2009

Where to eat with your family

**Max Lund - AlphaIA says: Sandman, You won't believe what I just did... And the Sandman replies: Yes I do. Here's a towel - clean it up.
~ John Anghelache ~ says: Amazing Video: Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nunchucks... And the Sandman replies: What's a chuck? A thick chick? And a nunchuck? A holy thick chick? Oh … kaaay …
~ Ray Edwards ~ says: only 7 days left And the Sandman replies: Until the asteroid hits? OK everybody - let's party like it's 1999!
Adjoa Barnard says: clutches Super male growing help mastication Please - what?
Alisa says: Find a perfect Russian wife. Over there, with all the others. No worries.
Craig Beckta says: I'm Shocked... Never mind. Here's a nice bucket of Long Island Iced Tea to help you get over it all.
Cristina Waller says: Buy this great watch today v wear it all your life. Who's v? And do we have to send the watches back afterwards?
FinerMinds says: doing it in your living room? Oh, all over the house. And the beach.
Gonzalo Mcdermott says: Are you heavy or healthy , Lose wieght with acai Both.
Hanna Jameson says: This RV stuff, weird or powerful? Both.
Investors Insights says: Insights for July 24: Five Popular Stocks Past Their Prime Ooh, great - wrinkly certificates. says: Start Your Home Based Business for less than a pizza! Yup - mine cost me the same as a plateful of ravioli. says: Sandman, EXTRA $10MILLION...MONTHLY That'll do. says: Would you exchange $20 for $4000? Now you can! No - you keep your $20. You need it more than I do. says: funnelling will get you some actiontrack Or arrested. says: $0 to $15,000 per Month - Even If You're Broke... Very Unique... You can't qualify unique. It either is … or it isn't. Go away. says: The HOTTEST New Online Business says: NOW THIS IS HOT -you have to try it Yup - it *was*, wasn't it? says: Don't Read This Email! OK. Next!
Marvin Luna says: Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree. Doctorate, please.
Oprah_Diet says: ~Lose 20-Pounds in 2-Weeks!~ I lost more than that at a pub in twenty minutes last time I was in the UK. Expensive beer there.
PrivilegeClub Casino says: No need to thank us. it's our pleasure. And mine. Pass the tissues, please. says: CLICK IT OUT AND STORMS Please, my unpronouceable friend … what?
Richard Noon says: , how often do you eat with your family? Every time I visit Antarctica. Why?
Schwetz says: flatness Roundness. Much nicer.
Slayden Princess says: Found a job ideal for you I don't think so. Unless lots of laws have been changed recently.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Looking Like Claudia Schiffer

* Anonymous Adams & Justin Blake * says: ... Push this button - Make MILLIONS. And the Sandman replies: Millions more buttons? Of course - it's a button-making machine!
* Anonymous Adams & Justin Blake * says: ... Click here - Get money. And the Sandman replies: I've clicked. So where's my money?
**Max Lund - AlphaIA says: URGENT Sandman...Filling up faster than expected... And the Sandman replies: So eat slower, then.
Alisa says: Find a perfect Russian wife. Why - have I lost one? No worries - there's lots more where she came from.
Alliance & Liecester Plc says: Secure Message from Alliance & Liecesterd Liecesterd? Ha!
Alliance & Liecester Plc says: Secure Message from Alliance & Liecesterd Liecesterd? Ha!
Alliance & Liecester Plc says: Secure Message from Alliance & Liecesterd Liecesterd? Ha!
Alliance & Liecester Plc says: Secure Message from Alliance & Liecester You spelled it wrong! Again! Hang on, no - you spelled it right. For a change.
Alliance & Liecester Plc says: Secure Message from Alliance & Liecesterd Liecesterd? Ha!
ESF Alert! Micheal Savoie says: Tough decision for you today... Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I? Only my hairdresser knows for sure.
Friends Online says: (This is serious) please read Nah - I'm feeling a little light-hearted this evening.
George says: Breaking News: It's Not Your Fault Phew.
Hey - that's *our* email address! Monte Ferrell sent you a postcard from 1001 Postcards! So he's only got a thousand left, then?
Hey - that's *our* email address! You have new message! On a postcard! From Monte! Excellent! says: FREE FUEL That should make me grin. says: I'M GRINNING I'm grinning too, with free fuel! says: Sandman, they won't tell you because they're idiots. And we don't listen when they do, because we're fools. And that's the way they like it. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. says: MAKES LIFE SO MUCH EASIER … A female bodyguard who does the dishes? You bet! says: Is It Working For You? No, but it's working for my Perfect Russian Wives, and that's all that matters. says: Sandman LISTEN UP! Yes, SIR!
Nabozny Xochitl says: Hello We met a week ago Oh, it was *you* smearing yourself against my windscreen in a soapy wet t-shirt at that red light, was it? How nice to see them again.
NicheInfoProduct says: Sandman , 12 easy ways to grab more customers By the head / neck / shoulder / arm / midriff … etc, etc.
Perry Belcher & Ryan Deiss says: You're Gonna have to DO it Yourself! Nope. I got a female bodyguard to do that … *and* the dishes now.
Quantum-Touch Instructor says: Teleseminar: Ask Alain Herriott is tomorrow 7/23/09! And he will say "No, it's 7/24/09".
QuickBannerAds Support says: Re: alright, dead simple, eye-candy and inexpensive are not typically synonymous... You're being rude about my Perfect Russian Wives, aren't you?
QuickBannerAds Support says: Re: [RESEND] alright, dead simple, eye-candy and inexpensive are not typically synonymous... They're not dead simple - they can talk Russian. I wish I could.
Rhonda Vance says: Acai Elite will tell you the secret of being slim. OMG! Those berries can talk? Now tell me they talk in Russian.
SEO Admin says: Try it all Whew! I'm breathless after only the first few.
Terry Telford QLN says: What's standing between you and success? Popsicles? Strangely enough, no. But Fudgsicles, yes.
The Career Insider says: Have I missed the graduate boat? Uh-huh. It's that one over there, with the loud party on board.
Your Self-Image Within says: Your Self Image Can Be Anything You Desire Today, then, I look like Claudia Schiffer. Damn, I'm beautiful.
The Sandman sounds very happy with his life. Click here to discover how to become very happy with yours. Instantly. Automatically.

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